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Networking Vehicles to Everything 
Evolving Automotive Solutions
(seminarSPIEGEL) Communication between vehicles and infrastructure will enable an entirely new way of managing traffic, reducing accidents, and increasing citizens' quality of life. Networking Vehicles to Everything provides a 360-degree overview of networking vehicle technology. This informational account also covers challenges, case considerations, current activities in standards, product implementation, and upcoming trends such as software reconfiguration, mmWave technology and advanced control theory tools.

Readers will gain in-depth understanding of the main bodies and institutions developing and regulating the technology, current technological battles including in particular IEEE 802.11p and 3GPP LTE V2X technologies which compete for the top-spot in a multi-billion market, and will become aware of currently open technological questions and corresponding trends in terms of applications and markets for any type of vehicle.
De Gruyter, 223 Seiten, ISBN: 978-1-5015-0724-3, 52,00€ 

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